Guignol and the Luxembourg Puppets

imagePuppet shows at the Luxembourg Garden Theater are a traditional entertainment for French children.  We were privileged to see The Three Little Pigs (the French version, of course) and I can attest to the fact that these charming shows appeal to the child in us all.  I wish you could have heard the little ones (and some of the big ones) screeching with laughter, clapping, and yelling advice to the pigs, and cheering on the demise of the wolf.

This little guy, Guignol, is a traditional character who seems to serve as a narrator, interacting with both the audience and the puppets and serving as a moral compass of sorts.    He previewed the story for the kids, interceded on behalf of the pigs, and scolded the wolf at the appropriate time.


Guignol appears in most of the plays and is beloved by the little ones.  Here are some of the “stars” whose portraits adorn the walls of the puppet theater.

What child wouldn’t love these heroes and villains?  But what of The Three Little Pigs you may be wondering.  Here are a few glimpses, but to get the full effect you really have to see the show for yourself!

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